Everyday at work we encounter obstacles that need to be dealt with. Sometimes they are little problems that can be solved easily. Sometimes, however, we are confronted with urgent and complex problems that require new skills to tackle.
In approaching these issues, the support of people with whom you are able to discuss and learn from is imperative. This also requires a positive and supportive space.

A recent study has shown that a better approach to solving problems is by engaging with people who think differently from us. This encourages ‘creative accidents’, when diverse notions collide in the brain and produce something new.
The Action Learning Entrepreneurial Circle
Cultural Impact is currently opening our Action Learning Entrepreneurial Circle to those interested. Action Learning will guide you through a process of problem solving that is beneficial not just to the individual but to the collective as well.
Why Action Learning?
Action Learning is particularly effective in solving complex problems that seem unsolvable. It elevates the norms, collaboration, creativity and courage of groups and individuals. Action Learning effectively develops leaders, as the simple rules force participants to think critically and work together. The Action Learning coach supports group members to reflect on the progress of their group work rather than on their problem solving. In this way, Action Learning participants become effective leaders as they solve difficult problems. Action Learning groups develop the mindset and skills that enable participants to learn continuously and generate continuous learning throughout the organisation.

How Does It Work?
While the goal is to solve real, significant, pressing and actionable problems, the participants will also be learning by doing; using an active approach, allowing for mistakes and experimentation, working and learning simultaneously. This contributes to developing learning skills, creating a learning culture where learning becomes second nature and developing skills of critical reflection and reframing. The Action Learning framework also creates a pool of collective learning. Participants will share experiences, support new ideas, give and receive feedback and challenge assumptions together.
Commitment and Outcomes
This 2-month programme will involve four to eight entrepreneurs of non-competing businesses and one Action Learning coach meeting once a fortnight for a 2 hour online Action Learning session. The outcomes include problems solved, individual learnings, skills developed and a supportive community built.
We are also open to requests for individual sessions.
For more information, please email us at: marietseng@culturalimpact.org and visit our LinkedIn page.